Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Resume Pengantar Teknologi Informasi part 4

Komunikasi Komputer
Proses dimana dua atau beberapa  komputer  atau perangkat memindahkan data, perintah, dan informasi.

Penggunaan Teknologi Komunikasi
·          Voice mail
·          Fax
·          E-mail
·          Chatroom
·          Instant Message
·          FTP
·          Newsgroup
·          Telephony
·          Videoconference
·          Groupware
·          Global Positioning System (GPS)

·          Sekumpulan komputer dan perangkat yg saling berhubungan melalui perangkat komunikasi dan media transmisi.
·          Fasilitas komunikasi antar user berbagi sumber daya dengan pengguna lainya.

Apakah local area network (LAN)?
·          Jaringan yg menghubungkan beberapa komputer  diwilayah yg geografisnya terbatas, seperti rumah, laboratorium, dan kantor yg berdekatan.
·          Menggunakan protokol ethernet.

Apakah network operating system?
·          The system software that organizes and coordinates the activities on LAN
·          Also called a network OS or NOS

What are servers and clients?
·         Server
o   Controls access to the hardware and software on the  network
o   Provides a centralized storage are for programs
o   Dedicated servers perform a specific task
·         Clients
o   Other computers on the network
o   Rely on the server for resources
Apakah topologi Jaringan?
·          Konfigurasi komputer dan perangkatnya dalam jaringan komunikasi.
·         Umumnya topologi yg paling banyak digunakan ada 3 : Bus, Ring dan Star.

Topologi Bus?
·          Terdiri atas kabel pusat tunggal , dimana seluruh komputer  dan perangkatnya saling berhubungan.
·          Bus adalah bentuk fisikalnya
·          Bus juga disebut backbone
·          Murah dan mudah di install

Topologi Ring?
·          A cable forms a closed ring, or loop, with all computers and devices arranged along the ring
·          Data travels from device to device around the entire ring.

Topologi Star?
·          All of the devices connect to a central computer/hub
·          All data that transfers from one computer to another passes through the hub

What is a dial-up line?
A temporary connection that uses one or more analog telephone lines for communications A modem at the sending end dials the telephone number of a modem at the receiving end
Costs no more than making a regular call
Computers at any two locations can establish a connection using modems and the telephone network
Cannot control the quality of the connection because the telephone company’s switching office randomly selects the line.

What is a dedicated line?
·         A connection that always is established between two communications devices
·         The quality and consistency of the connection is better because dedicated lines provide a consistent connection.

What is a modem?
A communications device that converts a computer's digital signals to analog signals before they are transmitted over standard telephone lines
Sometimes called a dial-up modem
mo + dem
To change into an analog signal
To convert an analog signal into a digital signal

What is a digital modem?
One that sends and receives data and information to and from a digital telephone line such as ISDN or DSL
ISDN modem
Also called an ISDN adapter
Sends and receives digital data to an ISDN line
DSL modem
Sends and receives digital data  to a DSL line

What is a cable modem?
·         A modem that sends and receives data over the cable television (CATV) network
·         Currently much faster than a dial-up modem or ISDN
·         Usually attaches to a USB port or a port on a network interface card

What is a network interface card (NIC)?
·         A card you insert into an expansion slot of a personal computer or other device, enabling the device to connect to a network

What is twisted-pair cable?
·         Consists of one or more twisted pair wires bundled together
·         Each twisted pair wire consists of two separate insulated copper wires
·         Twisted together to reduce noise
·         Noise is an electrical disturbance that can degrade communications

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